In retail, one of the most fundamental and often undervalued factors is spatial arrangement. The overall layout of your premises – and indeed the units that you use to display items – are critical in creating a positive customer journey and driving sales higher.
On this page, we’re going to focus specifically on gondola / aisle display units, and how they can be used to improve the layout of your store, while showcasing your products in a stylish and eye-catching way. Here’s everything you need to know…
What are gondola / aisle displays?
Gondola display units are double-sided shelving displays. These units are exceptionally useful in creating mini islands in your store and also forming new aisles for customers to wander down. These free-standing units are eye-catching and can be used to showcase your products, promote certain items, and all the while attract your customers’ attention.

Why invest in gondola aisle display units?
So, what’s all the fuss about? Are gondola aisle display units all they’re cracked up to be? The fact is, gondola aisle display units are among the most popular modern retain display and shelving solutions used today.
This is because they can maximise retail space and ensure that every square foot in your premises is put to good use. They’re double-sided units that needn’t be fixed to the floor or walls and can easily be moved around as necessary.
Ideally, gondola units are suitable for retailers that have a lot of different products that they need to display but are looking for an affordable alternative to fixed retail shelving systems.
Gondola units come available in a variety of different styles and functions, including:
What are the benefits of having gondola aisle display units in your store?
Now that you have a much clearer understanding of what gondola display units are, what are the other benefits that they can offer you? Let’s take a closer look…
Perfect for pairing products and encouraging multiple purchases
As gondola displays are double sides, they create a brilliant opportunity for you to pair products and display multiple items – that can be purchased in conjunction – in one place. For example, in a home and hardware store, you could have wall fixtures and fittings on one side, and then various wall accessories on the other, such as picture frames and canvasses.
Contact us today to explore our quality, bespoke gondola / aisle display units further
If you are interested in exploring gondola aisle display units further, please do not hesitate to contact us today. One of our friendly representatives will happily answer any questions that you might have and we can get to work on designing and manufacturing some premium quality gondolas for your business!