Score Tickets to Manchester United vs Arsenal: How Chivas Regal’s Promotion in UK Airports Captivates Fans

Chiva Regal, a well-known whiskey brand, set up a promotion at UK airports. They partnered with Avolta to create an exciting campaign exclusive to World Duty-Free stores. These stands showcased their brand and drew in football fans with a fun and tempting offer: win tickets to one of the biggest football matches in the UK. But why does this matter to you?

Why Should You Care?

Think about it.

What if you could grab the attention of your customers just like Chivas Regal does? With the right displays and promotions, you can make people stop, look, and even buy your products. UCT (Asia) can help you create these eye-catching displays and effective promotions. Wouldn’t it be great if your business could stand out in a crowded place? This kind of marketing strategy isn’t just for big brands. It’s something you can do too with the right help.

Connecting with Customers Throughout Their Journey

Chivas Regal didn’t just set up any display. They created a multifaceted campaign that engaged customers at several points in their travel journey. This included eye-catching in-store displays, QR codes for easy online entry, and promotions through the Red by Dufry app. These efforts were designed to reach customers wherever they were, making it easy and enticing for them to participate.

Imagine applying this approach to your business. Whether you run a store, a café, or even an online shop, using attractive displays and multiple touchpoints can make a big difference. UCT (Asia) specializes in creating these kinds of engaging experiences that keep customers interested and involved with your brand.

Engage Your Customers

Have you ever walked past a store because it looked boring? We all have. Now, think about the stores you stop in. Usually, they have something that catches your eye. Chivas Regal knew that football fans would be interested in winning game tickets. They used this to their advantage. UCT (Asia) can help you identify what excites your customers. What can you offer your customers that would make them excited? Maybe a special discount or a fun contest?

Make It Interactive

Chivas Regal’s stands weren’t just pretty to look at. They were interactive. People could learn about the brand and enter the contest right there. UCT (Asia) can create similar interactive displays for your business. Maybe set up a station where customers can try your product or learn something new. When customers interact with your products, they are more likely to remember your brand.

Simple but Effective

The best part? This strategy is simple. You don’t need a huge budget to create effective POS merchandise. Sometimes, the simplest ideas work best. Bright colours, clear messages, and a bit of creativity can go a long way. We can help you develop these simple yet effective ideas. What’s something simple you can do to draw in customers?

Real Results

Chivas Regal’s promotion was a hit. They didn’t just get people to stop and look. They got people to engage with their brand and enter the contest. Imagine the possibilities for your business. With our help, you can grab attention and get customers to interact with your brand, boosting sales and growing your business.

Ready to Get Started?

So, what’s stopping you? Take a look at your business. Think about how you can use displays and promotions to attract customers. Need help? UCT (Asia) offers all the marketing solutions you need. From designing eye-catching displays to planning effective promotions, we’ve got you covered.

Get in touch with us today and let’s make it happen!

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