Dufry Partners with Johnnie Walker and Chivas Regal for a Global In-Store Whisky Festival Experience

You don’t have to be a whisky lover to appreciate the essence of a good festival. It’s about the experience, the journey, and the connection it brings. Dufry’s annual Whisky Festival is a testament to this. It goes beyond selling whisky; it’s about making customers feel a part of something extraordinary.

In this article, we’ll explore the remarkable partnership between Dufry, Johnnie Walker, and Chivas Regal, and the profound marketing lessons it offers.

Dufry, a leading global travel retail company, hosts its annual Whisky Festival, a celebration centred around whisky. During this festival which lasts for three months, Dufry hosts a series of events and activities at their stores in various airports and locations worldwide. These activities include in-store tastings, live events, and immersive in-store experiences led by whisky experts. It also highlights renowned whisky brands like Johnnie Walker and Chivas Regal

Leveraging Experiential Marketing

Dufry’s Whisky Festival masterfully leverages the power of experiential marketing. By providing consumers with opportunities to engage with whisky experts, participate in live tasting, and embark on virtual distillery tours, Dufry creates a truly immersive and memorable brand experience.

Inclusivity Matters

This festival embraces inclusivity by catering to a wide range of interests and preferences. From expert masterclasses for whisky lovers to captivating virtual reality tours for those seeking a more immersive experience, Dufry’s Whisky Festival ensures that everyone feels welcomed and engaged.

By providing opportunities for people of all levels of knowledge and experience to engage, the festival helps to broaden the appeal of whisky and foster a more inclusive community of enthusiasts.

The Power of Collaboration

Dufry’s Whisky Festival is a prime example of how smart collaboration can elevate marketing initiatives. By partnering with leading whisky brands, Dufry gains access to a wealth of expertise and resources. This enables the festival to offer consumers a comprehensive whisky experience.

On the other hand, Johnnie Walker and Chiva Regal also benefit from the partnership. They’re able to reach a wider audience of potential consumers. And being such a huge festival, they’re guaranteed massive sales and widespread interest in their premium products.

Engaging Content

Dufry’s Whisky Conversation podcasts are like a great chat with friends, but about whisky. They show that interesting and engaging content isn’t just for the festival itself; it’s for keeping the connection alive.

When you create content that people want to listen to or read, it means they’re still thinking about you even after the festival is over. So, in marketing, keeping the conversation going is really important.


Dufry has shown that marketing is about creating unforgettable experiences, offering engaging content, educating customers, and embracing inclusivity. It’s a reminder that you, too, can grow your brand through innovative and immersive campaigns.

Take That Step Now!

Ready to create an unforgettable marketing campaign? Partner with us at UCT (Asia) and discover the art of connecting with your audience on a deeper level, just like Dufry’s Whisky Festival did. Let’s set your brand ahead – start your journey today!

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