Everyone loves gifts, right? Top brands and businesses recognize this, which is why they try to persuade customers with gifts. We’ve encountered this several times as businesses are utilizing the gift-with-purchase (GWP) campaign. Brands in the alcohol industry have mastered this, with top brands like Heineken taking full advantage of this promotional strategy for years.
In Singapore, Heineken gave out free luxury branded luggage to customers who bought at least 4 packs of 20 Heineken cans.
A gift with purchase will be a huge delight for customers, especially those who already have plans of purchasing the item. For brands, it is certainly an appealing promotion effective for boosting sales and creating more product awareness.
Benefits of Replicating Heineken’s Gift-With-Purchase Strategy?

You may be wondering if gift-with-purchase is a strategy worth it, or if there would be enough return on investment. You’re not alone. These are valid concerns for brands who plan to use this promotional strategy.
Not to worry, relax as we bring you 4 reasons why gift with purchase (GWP) is a perfect marketing choice.
1. An ideal method for introducing the latest products
This marketing strategy effectively propels customers to buy products they would normally have ignored. It also makes customers aware of other products you have and ensures their loyalty to your brand.
The gift with purchase strategy is an ideal way of unveiling new products to customers during product launching and allows you to obtain important reviews about the product.
2. Ensures increases in the rate of conversion
Conversion rate is a percentage of the conversion of potential and existing customers from one phase of the sales channel to the next.
Gift with purchase strategy helps to boost conversion rates as it gives your customers a feeling of urgency in their decisions. Offering the product for a limited time compels buyers to make extra purchases so they don’t miss out on the offer.
3. Drives up sales
Offering custom luggage works well to coax potential customers. For instance, customers are more likely to make more purchases if they will get free customized luggage.

4. Adds value to the brand
Everyone loves to be associated with value. Therefore, offering a valuable gift such as branded luxury luggage effectively portrays your brand as a top-class one. Gifts with purchases are effective in adding value to the brand and are a more cost-effective alternative to discount promotion.
In Conclusion,
Replicating this strategy by Heineken has many advantages. However, it is important to analyze your business objectives. You also should consider factors such as the type of gift to offer and the method of carrying out the gift with purchase promotion.
With many years of experience working with numerous top brands, UCT (Asia) is well experienced to help you provide sustainable marketing solutions by creating outstanding GWP campaigns.
We are partners with the finest product designers and marketing experts to help us offer you the best marketing advice for your business.
So, reach us today to get your unique marketing campaign underway.