Information is key for your consumers when deciding which products to buy. An attractive and effective In-store display will do just this, providing your target market with information. The information you decide to provide consumers with can have a profound impact on sales and improvement in brand visibility.
There are a few key things to keep in mind when creating an attractive display:
Choose the right location: Place your display where it will be most visible to consumers and trigger impulse buys. If you’re not sure where that is, ask a store employee or manager for help.
Make it big: You want your display to be noticeable, so make sure it’s large enough to catch people’s attention.
Include all the details: Your display should include everything customers need to know about your product, including price, features, and benefits.
Use bright colors: Bright colors are eye-catching and will help your display stand out. For example, using LED can be an option as it is energy-efficient, which means they’ll save you money in the long run.
Add some flair: Include some design elements that make your display unique. This could be anything from a special shape to an interactive element.

Eye-Catching In-Store Drink Displays

Bottle Glorifier
A bottle glorifier is a great way to show off your beers. They are eye-catching and can really draw in customers to buy your products.
Permanent In-store display:
When it comes to in-store displays, nothing is more permanent than a POS display. This type of display is fixed to the counter or wall and typically used to showcase merchandise or promote special deals. Because of its permanence, a POS display can be an extremely powerful marketing tool.

LED Shelf Strip Display:
LED shelf strip displays are a great way to show off your products and increase sales. They are bright and eye-catching, and can be seen from a distance. This makes them perfect for use in retail stores, where customers can easily see what’s on offer.
3D Holographic Display:
A 3D holographic display is a great way to make your products stand out from the competition. This type of effective display uses light and sound to create the illusion of a three-dimensional image, which can be used to promote your products in a unique and attention-grabbing way.
Promotional Benefits of a Creative Custom POS display:
An effective POS in-store display can help improve brand visibility and boost sales. By using bright colors, unique design elements, and interactive elements, you can create a display that stands out and catches people’s attention. This will help ensure that your target market is aware of your product and the benefits it offers. Additionally, it can be used to stand out from your competitors and gain loyal customers.
How can UCT help?
If you are interested in creating your POS in-store displays, feel free to contact UCT! Our product designers will be able to provide you with multiple unique and interesting ideas to enrich your customer experience.
You can check out more of our custom barware products to enhance your product display.