4 Ultimate Ways Jagermeister Flawless Retail Display Cuts Through The Herbal Liquor Industry In Istanbul

Change is the only constant in life. This is also true of the marketing world. Over the past few years, so much has changed in the marketing world, from packaging to adverts to displays.

To avoid being left out, you must be innovative and bold to implement new marketing practices that will be of benefit to you and your customers.

Speaking of being innovative, we came across this eye-catching interactive retail display in Istanbul by Jagermeister. And it instantly caught our eyes! Let’s find out more about this amazing display!

Jagermeister’s Interactive Display: What Is It About?

In line with their “The Secret Is you” promotion where consumers can win several prizes including branded vouchers, promotional glassware, and branded fridges, Jagermeister launched this amazing interactive retail display.

The experiential display encourages people to view the product from all angles while sampling the cold drink and interacting with the display. It gets better as customers can pose with the drink, select an image background of their choice, and have the printed frame given to them to take home.

What a thrill!

Interactive Retail Displays: Top 4 Benefits

Interactive retail displays bring with them many benefits if planned and executed properly. So, in this segment, we’ll list 4 ultimate benefits of interactive retail displays.

1. Commands Massive Attention

Above everything else, the first function of any retail display is to draw shoppers’ attention to your product. They’re powerful crowd-pullers since they’re great curiosity raisers!

Also, because they’re designed to engage customers and give them an unforgettable shopping experience, interactive retail displays pull massive foot traffic which typically results in more sales.

2. Entertain Customers

This type of display chiefly uses entertainment to keep shoppers around. The longer they stay, the more likely they’re to buy from you. This is why it’s important to give them an experience that’s different from the traditional display.

For example, in Jagermeister’s promotion, customers get to interact with the brand on a whole different level and even take a branded merchandise home to immortalise the experience with the brand. This helps to create a stronger relationship with the consumers.

3. Educate Customers

Shoppers don’t want to spend their valuable time reading about your brand or products. They’ll generally pick doing their actual shopping over it. However, you can inform shoppers by using video storytelling or allowing them to flip between different promotions all without being invasive.

This helps to keep them engaged with the brand for a long time.

4. Builds A Positive Brand Impression

Every marketing decision you take should be geared towards building a better impression of your brand. And one way to achieve this is by satisfying the customers.

By giving them a wonderful experience with your interactive retail display, shoppers will go about telling others about your brand and becoming willing ambassadors.

In Conclusion,

Using an interactive retail display can help you command huge foot traffic which results in a higher conversion rate. It can also help you build a stronger relationship with the customers and retain their loyalty. Jagermesiter no doubt benefited hugely from this promotion.

However, it’s your time to take advantage of and implement this powerful retail display! UCT (ASIA) is here to help you, so contact us today!

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