Product Sourcing Agents – The What, The Who & The How

Product Sourcing Agents – The What, The Who & The How

By UCT Design | Jan 24, 2022

When it comes to starting a new business there are a million and one things that you need to think about. One such thing is finding all of the primary […]

What’s the difference between Direct and Indirect Procurement?

By UCT Design | Jan 17, 2022

In the world of sourcing, procurement, and logistics there is a multitude of different abbreviations and terminology being thrown about – so it’s no wonder why many people who are […]

Why you should be sourcing internationally and in particular in Asia

By UCT Design | Jan 14, 2022

As you begin to grow and expand your business, discovering new and innovative ways to cut costs and improve the quality of your organization’s processes becomes an essentiality. If you […]

How to improve your sourcing process for a leaner team

By UCT Design | Nov 16, 2021

Before we get stuck into the best steps for improving your strategic sourcing process, first let’s begin with a quick introduction and breakdown of strategic sourcing itself. So, what is […]

Why are promotional products so important for brand marketing?

By admin | Nov 10, 2021

If you’ve been giving some thought to utilising promotional products for your business, then you likely want to know how doing so can benefit you. So, why are promotional products […]

Understanding the procurement process

By UCT Design | Oct 29, 2021

The promotional products industry in Asia is big, and it’s not going anywhere. As promotional products become more popular, the promotional product industry will continue to grow. But with growth […]

Sourcing vs Procurement – What is the Difference?

By admin | Sep 21, 2021

On the surface, it is quite easy to mistake sourcing and procurement as being synonyms for securing supplies for an organization. However, they are not. Yes, they are both related […]

Make your Brand Stand out – Premium Branded Merchandise to Boost your Brand

By admin | Sep 15, 2021

Are you hoping to try and make your brand stand out a bit more? Are you incredibly proud of your brand and products/services, but worry that you aren’t getting quite […]

Earth Day 2020 : UCT (Asia) Sustainability Approach Together with United Nations

By admin | Apr 22, 2020

Today, April 22 2020, we mark the celebrations of Earth Day across the globe. This year, it is the 50th anniversary of the Earth Day celebrations. While the planet is on […]


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