Source products from Asia – How to

As a business owner in the retail sector, one of the most crucial aspects of running your operations is sourcing the right products. But did you know that you can source products from overseas? And that in many cases you can actually save an awful lot of money? In this article, we’re going to look […]

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Why are promotional products so important for brand marketing?

If you’ve been giving some thought to utilising promotional products for your business, then you likely want to know how doing so can benefit you. So, why are promotional products so important for brand marketing? Do they really make an impact? Let’s find out! Promotional Products as Brand Marketing Tools Promotional products make excellent brand […]

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Sourcing vs Procurement – What is the Difference?

On the surface, it is quite easy to mistake sourcing and procurement as being synonyms for securing supplies for an organization. However, they are not. Yes, they are both related and certainly play pivotal roles within the supply chain, but they are quite different, and it is important that you understand those distinctions. In this […]

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Make your Brand Stand out – Premium Branded Merchandise to Boost your Brand

Are you hoping to try and make your brand stand out a bit more? Are you incredibly proud of your brand and products/services, but worry that you aren’t getting quite as much recognition as it deserves? If so, then we may have just the solution for you: using premium branded merchandise to boost your brand […]

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Earth Day 2020 : UCT (Asia) Sustainability Approach Together with United Nations

Today, April 22 2020, we mark the celebrations of Earth Day across the globe. This year, it is the 50th anniversary of the Earth Day celebrations. While the planet is on Lock Down, our planet is healing.  On Earth Day, let’s plan to restart The Right Way. Let’s help our planet stay healthy when we get through this, […]

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UCT (Asia) Service Update Relative to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

To our valued customers, supplier and partners. We are 100% operational during COVID-19 outbreak NO impact for our customers, we quote, design, produce and deliver as usual. China’s manufacturing capability is already back up and running. As such we do not anticipate any impact to our ability to render service to our customers. We also have products […]

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Tips for making your promotion products work effectively

5 Top Tips for Making your Promotional Products work as Effectively as Possible When it comes to sourcing promotional products, our agents at UCT Asia are among the very best. We hire people with the experience and the knowhow, so that we can provide all of our clients and customers with the best solutions for […]

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5 Reasons to use Global Sourcing Agents over other options

Reasons for Engaging Global Sourcing Agents in dealing with suppliers Trading companies and sourcing agents are necessary because there are numerous manufacturers, all of whom who vary in their capabilities. You will find manufacturers with different strengths in fields such as exporting, understanding of the global market, domestic business performances and foreign language skills to […]

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Benefits of Sourcing Promotional Items from China

The Right sourcing agent for your company’s needs Expanding your customer base with promotional items is a great way to get ahead of the competition and gain customers’ loyalty in the long run. It is actually a way of advertising or, better still, a goodwill gesture to show you appreciate your customers. Some businesses have […]

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Tin Buckets – One of the many Top Price/Quality Ratio Products We Offer at UCT(Asia)

When there is a World Cup or Premier Leagues or any other major sports tournaments of the sort, we common people think only of the game and where it’s being held. Less attention is given as to who the actual sponsor of the event is. Large multinational companies however compete with each other and are […]

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