Pepsi’s GWP drives sales in Singapore -What suits your business?

Pepsi offers an array or GWP and promotional products such as cases,water bottles, t shirts, and more. In singapore, Pepsi has been doing a great job in terms of promoting their products and also providing an incentive for customers to purchase more. One way that they have been able to do this is by giving […]

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What you can learn from Harry Potter’s Promotional DVD box set

Promotional products help companies increase their brand awareness, build customer loyalty, and generate new leads for future business. They also provide an inexpensive way to advertise and promote your company or organization. The Harry Potter promotional DVD box set was released in 2001 and was a major success. The box set contained all 4 movies, […]

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Absolut Vodka POS display-Top 8 ways to be creative

Are you tired of seeing the same old POS displays everywhere? Or maybe you just don’t feel inspired by them anymore. Well, here are some ideas on how to spice up your POS displays and turn them into eye-catchers! When you think of POS displays, what comes to mind? Probably not much. That’s why it’s […]

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Get inspired by the recent Batman merchandise for your next marketing campaign!

Movie merchandise is a great way to promote your next marketing campaign. By tapping into the power of popular characters and franchises, you can create a powerful connection with potential customers. And what better place to find inspiration for movie merchandise than Comic-Con? This major fair for licensed comics, movies, and video games offers a […]

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Volkswagen branded headphones- How it gains Brand Publicity

The music industry needs promotional products because it helps to increase sales. Promotional products are giveaways that are used to attract people to a product or service. In the case of the music industry, promotional products can be used to attract people to the album itself. By including a free giveaway with the purchase of […]

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SPECS Sheets: 4 Types of Specification Sheets That Everyone Needs

In order to protect your brand, it’s important to have a proof approval policy. This document should include all specifications for your products so that there aren’t any surprises when it comes time to ship out your goods. Once approved by the client, you must follow these guidelines in order to avoid any problems down […]

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5 Reasons Why Chang Beer Tower is Selling Like Crazy in Thailand

How Chang Beer Became One of the Most Popular Brands in Asia Chang Beer is a pride of the nation in Thailand. It has become a drinking occasion favourite and has captured the hearts and taste buds of the Thai people over the years. Chang stands for smiles, golden sunshine, and sharing good times with […]

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Check out our Top 6 custom Promotional Merchandise!

UCT helps different companies worldwide in creating custom promotional merchandise. We understand the importance of brand marketing and the innovative approach it requires to succeed and compete in the industry. Contact us and we can help take your business on a whole new level.  We have expertise and professionalism in retail merchandise, on-pack promotions, giveaways, […]

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Top innovative merchandise your brand will love

Marketing managers should never overlook the power of everyday items. They may seem mundane at first glance, but many have the ability to transform our lives. For example, a simple pair of socks can keep us warm during cold weather. Or a cup of coffee can give us energy throughout the day. These items don’t […]

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ASAHI sponsors 2023 Rugby World Cup-How it increases sales promotion

What is Brand Sponsorship? Brand sponsorship is when a company sponsors an event or activity in exchange for advertising space or other benefits. It is common practice for companies to invest in brand sponsorship to promote their products and services. The first major event sponsored by a beer company was the 1896 Summer Olympics held […]

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