The perfect match promo, as the name implies, matches questions to their perfect answers. Ingenious and creative, the promotional products campaign, organized by San Miguel Brewery, allows the drink and beverage brand to interact with its customers and presents the customers with an opportunity to win amazing cookware.

San Miguel Brewery is the largest producer of beer in the Philippines and producer of several popular beer brands such as Red Horse Beer, San Mig Light, San Mig Zero, San Miguel Flavoured Beer, and San Miguel Super Dry.
Created out of San Miguel Corporation and incorporated in 2007, the San Miguel Brewery occupies seven production facilities and operates a distribution system of approximately 470,000 retail outlets.
San Miguel Brewery is known for its creativity and originality in business. The Perfect Match promo shows the inventiveness of the strategies employed by San Miguel.
About the Perfect Match Promo
The Perfect Match promo tests customers’ creativity and loyalty to the San Miguel brand.
Customers join the promo contest by purchasing a 4-can pack of San Miguel Cerveza Blanca. Then they are expected to take a photo of the receipt and send it to the number on the advert material, along with their full names in English, their contact number, and answer to the question of a round.
The promo, divided into four rounds with different time limits, provides questions for customers to answer. The first round has one question, and the other three rounds have three questions.
Three winners from each round, rewarded based on the creativity of their answers, are awarded the prize gift: A Staub American Square Grill valued at over $1500.
Some Effects of the Perfect Match Promo on the San Miguel brand.

Brand Awareness
The promo contest exposes the San Miguel brand to the Honk Kong beer market. Contests attract a lot of people, and this increases the brand’s popularity.
The San Miguel brand, already one of the most popular beer brands in the Philippines, shows its skill in acquiring the top spot with this promo.
Increases Sales and Retains Customers
The San Miguel brand sells four cans of the San Miguel Cerveza Blanca with each contestant in the promo. Therefore more people contesting in the promo means more cans sold.

With four different rounds, San Miguel sales would certainly increase. The best part is that some consumers who were attracted because of the promo will remain customers of the San Miguel brand.
Adds Value to Consumers
The opportunity for twelve consumers to win an American grill worth over $1500 does not come all the time, and consumers know this. An opportunity like that adds value to the consumer.
How Can We Help?
With several years of operating in the FMCG industry, UCT (Asia) is a company with experience in the various techniques and skills required to manufacture branded items that market your brand exceptionally, giving your brand what it needs to stay ahead of competitors. So contact us today!